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Black People Around the World

Updated on December 3, 2016
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Nicholl McGuire has been providing useful content on websites since 2007. Learn more about her business Nicholl McGuire Media.

Missing in Action, Left Out of Mainstream History

Like with other races, black people have made some major contributions all over the world, but due to centuries of racism one will never know all the great achievements. This is why black history is celebrated annually due to much oppression, not just in America, but all around the world as you will learn on this Hub page. I felt compelled to share some information about black Germans as well as other mixes to enlighten those who may not have given much thought to blacks outside of their own countries. One fact is, many do not know there were black Nazi soldiers. Back during Hitler's regime, if these men became Prisoners of War they were treated just like Jews and homosexuals, killed. Mixed blacks experienced racism, but blacks overall were treated better at that time than blacks in America. Video provides details.

Being Black in Germany

Learn More About Your Roots

After taking a DNA analysis in 2014, I discovered I am literally a melting pot of many races (scroll to bottom of this hub page to see results). A few I was already aware of due to stories passed down from relatives, but others I was surprised. Due to what I learned about my blood ties, I began a quest to discover more about my ancestors. By doing this, I found that there were many stories to be told. I created family history books (my first back in 2009 before learning about more facts) and shared my findings with relatives.

Since then, I have been fascinated at the sheer number of blacks around the world that are mixed with other races that I would have never imagined. For example, there are African Russians, Black Chinese, Black Filipinos, Mexican Blacks, Italian Blacks, Irish Blacks, etc. I got to see some of this firsthand after moving to California. What's even more interesting is that although a black person might look very similar to what you may have grew up with, there is no one size fits all look or behavior. If anything, you will learn that due to the intermixing over centuries there are many interests, language, culture, traditions, and more that has been passed down to these mixed blacks. They also have a mixed mindset and at times mixed mannerisms as well.

Although some prejudice people have their opinion on what they choose to believe someone or group really is, the fact remains that there was intermixing that occurred in many countries and blood ties are just what they are blood ties.

Black Irish Rose

When I was told years ago that my last name, McGuire, was Irish by my mother, I didn't think much of it. The magazines that came to our home periodically were primarily white people dressed in green and white clothing proud to display their Irish roots. I saw family crests, Saint Patrick's day relics, and other Irish related goods.

Over the years, I saw my dad dressed in his green slacks and white dress shirts leaving from home headed for work on St. Patty's day. I noticed how our home's window trim, basement flooring, and other areas were painted in green and white. It was my father's tradition, his preference, he knew some things about his family that I didn't know at the time.

As I grew older, I didn't think much of my skin tone. As far as I was concerned, I considered myself black. I personally identified with the darker hues although my skin displayed otherwise. It wasn't brought to my attention about my skin color until a couple people who had darker skin pointed it out back in 1985. Then those, with lighter skin and curly hair, questioned what my background was. Things were getting a bit strange as far as I was concerned. Why were people wondering about what I was, commenting about my skin, or blacks and non-blacks wanting to touch my hair?

I didn't experience any racism until I started dating a guy who was of Irish decent in 1990-1993. One day while talking to his open-minded mother, we talked about my background and I described myself as her son's "Black Irish Rose." They both laughed. His father wasn't too happy about his son choosing a black girl to date, but he didn't say anything, he just looked at me. His eldest daughter didn't like the idea either because of her own personal experiences with some blacks, but once she got to know me, we were cool. I saw her one day and gave her a hug when I had heard that her mom had died back in 1999. Interesting how when someone dies, skin color is irrelevant.

I will tell you that the McGuire name has been a blessing and also a curse. It is fine in some circles as long as some don't see who you are. But when I showed up for a job interview (before the Internet came along), the white man who called out into the waiting area, "Nicholl McGuire, Nicholl McGuire..." kept calling my name and didn't bother to look at me. I stood up and he said, "I didn't know you were black." The year 1993.

Immigrants in Ireland

Family History

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My Experience Isn't Yours

I recall a time in my life when I was told, "Do you know what white people have done to black people? Don't bring no white man to our home, you hear?" Of course, not all white people are guilty of heinous crimes against blacks, but you can't tell some radical African Americans that!

My relatives' warnings fell on deaf ears. My experience with white America was not like my father's who had grown up in Jim Crow South. I didn't walk through back doors of businesses, drink out of separate water fountains, or step off the sidewalk so that white folks could walk by me. I didn't even know that addressing a white person by "Mr". or "Ms." was a big deal--no wonder many whites would tell me, "Don't call me that...just call me..."

Unlike my dad's childhood home or grandmother's in Alabama, our residence was never threatened to be burned down by some Klan members/racist white people. Growing up, I had heard the word, "N*gger" but it meant nothing to me, I just laughed and called an old, white lady every name I could think of. Since then, I've been called it online, and I don't care.

So when dad and grandma warned me about what they didn't want to see, showed me racist movies, and threatened me if I did this or that, it all went in one ear and out the other. I had already been dating a white guy while they talked and I was headed to a predominately white university--did I really need that kind of speech? Fearful, I was going to be some white man's concubine, the warnings continued, it was all crazy to me. Ironically, upon our arrival to my college campus back in August 1992, in the rural town of Charleston, Illinois, a group of white guys stared at myself and family headed to the dorms and hollered out, "Coons!" as we drove by. I didn't react, because I didn't know what was that. But my dad's fair skin was red, ears brighter red, and I thought he was going to pull over the car and get out. He did have some "help" that wasn't human in the car I later discovered. To this day, I almost want to laugh about the incident, because words like that mean nothing; however the "what could have happened that day" keeps me humble .

Those early days of college were eye-opening, it was then that I realized some of what my dad had been telling me. I was warned by some mentors to not be caught when the sun went down in surrounding neighborhoods and certain places on campus or "those white people are going to hurt you and put your body in those corn fields," the black senior college student cautioned while she pointed in the direction of a field.

Why were some of those non-blacks so racist? They had parents too that schooled them about blacks. There were no different categories of blacks in their eyes, we were all thrown into the pot together. I never considered myself to be anything more than a blessed person, but society liked to use the label "black."

I broke a major news story on campus about racial discrimination back in 1992 at my first college and then proceeded to expose other racial issues over the course of my life. With a background in journalism, it was almost too easy to see the racial bias news, report it, and watch the public response. Despite all of what I had heard my family tell me about "those white people," I couldn't help but see a photo of my white looking black grandfather and sigh (he and his mother was referred to as "mulatto" on U.S. census reports). If it wasn't for him renouncing and denouncing his blackness around non-blacks, our family wouldn't have obtained opportunities and favor, be it right, be it wrong.

Jews in Israel Safe Guarding Identity

Aren't There Ways to Preserve One's Identity Without Being Nasty?

Anyone who enjoys looking at their beautiful skin and desires to connect with someone that looks like them, I'm not mad at you. But can you do it without being nasty? I think it's a shame that a family, community, or an entire group has to suffer because someone or a group feels the need to perform some kind of ethnic cleansing.

If one thinks it is better to be around like kind, then don't assimilate. Build up your communities and enjoy the fruits of your labor among your own kind. Mean glares, stares, childish comments, and other things will only make people rebel. "So you don't like me being with that black person? Take that everyone!"

I recall a white girl acting out because her dad told her what she could and couldn't do regarding choosing a partner. So she not only went against her dad's wishes, but she disgraced herself by selecting a poor choice of a black guy and doing things with him that even the girls with his same ethnicity wouldn't do!

Hate is never kept contained to one group, location, religion, etc. even though some of the masterminds of the hate think they can control it. Once hate gets out, it spreads like wildfire and destroys everyone in its path including people who also would like to preserve their ethnicity too.

Anti-miscegenation laws

Although anti-miscegenation laws are illegal nowadays in America, in other parts of the world, there are still those groups and individuals that forbid marrying outside of one's ethnicity and would prefer to preserve a family's racial identity.

"Anti-miscegenation laws or miscegenation laws were laws that enforced racial segregation at the level of marriage and intimate relationships by criminalizing interracial marriage and sometimes also sex between members of different races. Such laws were first introduced in North America from the late seventeenth century onwards by several of the Thirteen Colonies, and subsequently by many US states and US territories and remained in force in many US states until 1967," according to Wikipedia.

These days, other laws are gradually being overturned to allow for same sex unions.

Jewish People of Color

What Some Don't Know About Being Black in America?

Everyone has their share of issues some far deeper than others. People tend to understand when one is being treated unfairly due to things like: job, money, geography, religious preference, and other similar things, but color of skin.

Many assumed since President Barack Obama took office that racial tolerance is much better. However, those who have watched the news in recent years, see that there are still groups with hidden agendas to keep racial bias ongoing. There are still many pockets in America that look to be filled with money, power, and fame when a black man or boy's blood spills on the ground.

If you live here in the United States, you have most likely already viewed much whether on television or off when it comes to racial issues, but if you don't live in America yet, be advised that there is still much work to be done when it comes to racism.

1. Prisons are still filled with many African American males. The numbers are still higher than those who attend universities.

2. You will be discriminated against if you live in certain towns that are affluent and predominately black or white. Celebrities are typically treated favorably.

3. At some point, you will run into a low income black person who will educate you on many things including: where to get some free food and clothing, rental and utility assistance, bus tickets, homeless shelters, and care for your unborn child.

4. If you consider yourself educated, you will be disturbed by the sheer number of unemployed blacks still living in the "ghetto," riding buses, renting shoddy apartments, or living out on the street.

5. If you attend enough parties, whether for the upper class or lower class blacks, you will find plenty of drugs and alcohol. You might even meet your first drug dealer.

6. Stop in a predominately black neighborhood and you will find: plenty of lottery stations, liquor and cigarette stores, alcohol advertisements, churches looking better than most homes, and "projects" also known as subsidized housing.

7. The language varies between what type of African American you talk to--there are different types of blacks in America. Those who live in predominately white communities talk much different than those in black, lower class areas. They are described as "talking white" if educated and have a better social class, or "talking black" if not privileged.

You can learn more at African American Planet.

Are Some Countries Still Hostile toward Black Foreigners?

Black people travel everywhere and many enjoy themselves while being there. They are welcomed foreigners who attract curious people who at times want to touch skin, hair, and ask questions about black people in general. Yet, there are those citizens in countries that do not like, appreciate or want black people around. On January 8, 2014, an article entitled, 8 of the Worst Countries for Black People to Travel, appeared in the Atlanta Black Star. The writer, A. Moore, mentioned incidents of racial discrimination and what the countries are and aren't doing about it. The locations that made the list included:

1. Germany - Racist person says ugly statement to black woman.

2. Russia - African students attacked in Russia. See here.

3. Greece - Neo-nazi group attack black people in Greece, click here.

4. Spain - Woman shares experience. Check it out.

5. Italy - One woman speaks positively about her time studying in Italy.

Another woman shares her opinion about racism in Italy (it's not what you think), click here.

6. Thailand - A black American male in Thailand speaks favorably about visit.

7. China - African female news reporter shares her stories.

Black woman talks about Tokoyo, Japan and talks of racial differences. See here.

8. South Korea - Black male provides his experience in the area. More staring, hear his story.

Mixed African Ancestry

Mixed Blacks and Miscegenation

African Russians
Chinese Blacks
Filipino Blacks
Mexican Blacks
Italian Blacks
Biracial African Americans
Musician Ben Harper
Golfer Tiger Woods
Black Eyed Peas Singer Allan Pineda
Actress Stacey Dash
Actor Giancarlo Esposito
President Barak Obama
Small percentage, Soviet Union
Almost 200,000 are black and Asian
Sixth largest Asian group that intermarries, 2010 Census Data
Approximately 200,000 African slaves were brought to Mexico to help toil the land
80% of Italian immigrants were from Southern Italy, many were labeled "black" during Jim Crow. They were Sicilians
Many Africans were sold into slavery by their own people and shipped around the world
Targeted for Racism
Experience racial bias, NBA making a difference, Chinese take pride in beauty and lightskin
Judged due to color, dark skin hues
Discrimination because of darker skin
Italians consider themselves to be white. Known racism in country. Bananas thrown at first black minister.
European world views based on skin color have spread around the world causing unfair treatment toward blacks

Many of the countries where blacks, with African ancestry live, experience covert and overt forms of racism still to this day. Racist non-blacks refuse service at some businesses, others object to intermixed marriages, and blacks are sometimes depi

Humanity Started in Africa, Curses and Blessings, Holy Bible Confirms Much

More Countries with Racial Discrimination Against Blacks

As I researched more about blacks in various countries around the world, it seems that European racism has influenced so many people. The negative perceptions they have about a single race of people is shocking! However, I also found that there was some love for black men and black women in each country too.

Blacks in France

A black minister in France was very opinionated about how the United States handled the Ferguson incident. "On her Twitter account, Justice Minister Christiane Taubira wrote first in French: "Michael Brown, racial profiling, social exclusion, territorial segregation, cultural marginalization, guns, fear, fatal cocktail!'" according to an article in the Washington Post. Yet, in France, the movie, "Think Like a Man" with an all black cast was banned. (See here.) As of 2013, France has only five blacks of 577 parliament members. Check out France's black history via a series the French African Connection. It shares how blacks in the country fought against racial discrimination and hate crimes.


Here in America, there are Creoles, typically lighter skin blacks, in Louisiana. The term was given to mixed blacks by French settlers. These blacks were those that were born in the state. According to Wikipedia, "It was a term used for 'native-born'. A definition of a creole is a person, whether African or European, who was born in Louisiana. The term 'creole' denotes a culture which embraces the influences of French, Spanish, African and Native American peoples in Louisiana." Surprisingly, the issues with this culture of people come from their own kind, darker blacks due to their lighter skin and pride in their color. They are criticized by darker blacks for the way they talk, skin tone and at times their superiority complex.

Blacks in Japan and China

I was personally shocked to find that I had trace roots in my bloodline 4% Asia Central and East. Over the years, I have heard about the mixed opinions regarding blacks from both Japanese and Chinese. The older Asians tend to hang on to the stereotypes and it doesn't help when there are blacks who live them out. I also worked in an elderly high rise building with the majority being Koreans who lived there. They would come by my office sometimes and laugh saying, "She looks like Condoleeza Rice." I took my wig off after that, but I wasn't the least bit offended, Ms. Rice is an intelligent black woman, but I didn't see any resemblance. Interesting, there was racial bias between the Japanese, Chinese and Korean groups. The attitude at times was negative, but people generally behaved themselves.

There is a history of blacks in Japan which would make sense why many of us would have Asian ties. Real History reports, "Ancient Homo-sapien-sapiens (Modern Man), first began to leave Africa at about 60,000 B.C. These Africans had two great migrations East. The "First" (OOA) migration, saw Blacks with straight hair, taking a route along the coast of Asia, and then "Island hopping" across the Indian Ocean to Australia - the Australian Aborigine. And then making their way to South America - the remains called "Luzia" in Brazil."

According to an Associated Press report, "The oldest Stone Age hut in Japan has been unearthed near Osaka....Archaeologists date the hut to be about 22,000 years ago and say it resembles the dugouts of African bushmen, according to Wazuo Hirose of Osaka Prefectural of Education's cultural division. `Other homes, almost as old, have been found before, but this discovery is significant because the shape is cleaner, better preserved' and is similar to the Africans' dugouts."

In 1923, anthropologist Roland B. Dixon wrote that "this earliest population of Japan were in the main a blend of Proto-Australoid and Proto-Negroid types, and thus similar in the ancient underlying stratum of the population, southward along the whole coast and throughout Indo-China, and beyond to India itself." Dixon pointed out that, "In Japan, the ancient Negrito element may still be discerned by characteristics which are at the same time exterior and osteologic. Learn more at Proud Black Buddhist.

Middle Eastern Blacks (Afro-Arabs)

Afro-Arabs are from Africa and are part Arab descent. Most Afro-Arabs are from the Swahili Coast in the African Great Lakes region as well as Sudan and other places in the Arab world. Black Iraqis are discriminated against. "Although racism has been illegal under the Iraqi legislative system since the founding of the state in 1921, this minority is trapped by different types of discrimination and racism within society," according to an online report that has since been removed. Read more about Afro-Arabs here.

Black Africans in Portugal

The Afro-Portuguese migrated to Portugal and had a difficult time obtaining citizenship. While in the country, they too populated and many eventually became citizens. The blacks in this country also felt the sting of ethnic and racial discrimination.

The reasons for the racial bias stemmed from "institutional and juridical, to socio-cultural (the construction of stereotypical ethno-racial differences), residential (with the concentration of black migrants in degraded ghettos) and economical (the poorly qualified professional and educational profile of the migrants)," as reported on Wikipedia.

Blacks from Polynesia and Black Hawaiians

I was disturbed when I saw something online about a Polynesian man hating black people. I thought it ironic given the history of blacks from Polynesia and their migrating all around the world. White settlers who had visited the land described many Polynesians as looking just like black people.

Rasta Livewire reports, "The Hawaiians and their neighbors in the Pacific have long been the subject of controversy among scientists. The people in this part of the world are generally divided into three groups: Melanesians (the word means black islands), who are unmixed Black people; Micronesians (which means small islands), an ancient Black people who are now largely mixed with Asians; and Polynesians, a people who were also originally Black but have mixed historically with Asian Mongoloids and White Europeans."

"The first people to reach what is now Hawaii were Blacks from Polynesia – a name which means “many islands” – in the central Pacific. They sailed to Hawaii in giant canoes about 2,000 years ago," according to Rasta Livewire.

Black People in Sweden

In Scandinavia, there are blacks. According to those familiar with the area, it isn't so much racism that frustrates locals but the inability to speak the country's language and adapt to the culture. This is a major issue between migrants and locals of many countries.

DNA results.
DNA results.

The End Result: DNA

It is difficult to pick one side over the other when you find out that you make up so many different ethnic backgrounds. I will tell you that I personally was humbled after getting my results. I see the world a bit differently and the people in it. I am content with who I am and have no issues with self-hate. I am also grateful to be connected with so many cousins from all walks of life, thanks to If you haven't already, consider having your DNA analysis done. Thanks for stopping by.

Spoken Word: "Black Polynesia " by Marina Alefosio

But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.

© 2015 Nicholl McGuire


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