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Vitamin Recommendations

Updated on March 4, 2015
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Nicholl McGuire has been providing useful content on websites since 2007. Learn more about her business Nicholl McGuire Media.

Dr. Weil's Vitamin Advisor Review

I was surfing the web seeking information on vitamin supplements and that's when I came across Dr. Weil's Vitamin Advisor. Can I just say that this is one of the best FREE services on the web!

I was offered a vitamin profile when I visited the home page of the website, so I thought, "Why not?" I wanted to compare my current vitamin supplements and herbal remedies that I have been taking daily to the free vitamin recommendation offered on the site. Well, I was in for a treat! After answering questions about my current eating habits, how often I exercise, and health and family history, in less than 10 minutes I got back a free report displaying vitamin and herbal recommendations to suit my needs. Most of which I was already taking! I also find out on the site provides the exact dosage I should be taking to stay in optimum health. What a relief to see I was on the right track! Not only that, each recommendation you are given provides comprehensive details as to what the supplement treats. You are also given a list of recommended vitamins to take called a "vitamin supplement pack" to help you begin your daily routine based on your profile information. However, be advised the more problems you have, the more vitamins and herbal supplements you will need which can get costly.

All vitamin supplements are available to purchase right on the site. So there is no need to shop from website to website hoping that your needed vitamin and herbal remedy is in stock. There are specials offered for both new and existing customers. You also have the option to stay posted on the latest deals and receive tips on healthy nutrition. When you visit the site, click on the vitamin advisor link provided and start answering questions--it's just that easy. You can learn more about Dr. Weil. Besides vitamins, he also has other products and helpful resources.

Family History & Vitamin Deficiencies

If your family is like mine, then you may have people who have heart attacks, food addictions, spider veins, premature aging, high stress levels, bone and memory problems. After conducting research online over the years about how to prevent or slow these issues, the following vitamin supplements kept coming up for me to take. I also noticed that every time a relative was under doctor's care, some of the following supplements would sit somewhere in their homes including my own.

  • Daily Antioxidant and Multi-Vitamin

As we all know these are taken to build our immune systems and help supplement vitamins we just don't get enough of from regular food consumption.

  • B Vitamins

High levels of stress have put many relatives on their backs. I noticed in recent years more family members are taking them.

  • Cal-Mag Citrate

Recommended by doctors, a couple of my relatives have been taking this supplement for years to maintain their bones.

  • Co-enzyme Q10

This is taken to help with cardovascular function and blood vessel health.

  • Omega 3 with DHA and EPA

When you don't eat fish often, this is usually recommended. It helps with memory. I began taking this during my last two pregnancies. My last two sons seem to be brighter mentally than the first two sons were when they were their ages. I am a strong advocate of taking this supplement while pregnant! However, you do have to watch to ensure that the vitamins are mercury free.

  • Evening Primrose Oil

This herbal remedy was definitely something that three generations of women with intense menstrual symptoms didn't bother to take. I am the first one in my family to take this and I have noticed a difference. Symptoms are not nearly as bad as they were when I was a child.

  • Valerian Root

This is a great help when it comes to trying to get to sleep.

  • Horse Chestnut Extract

I found out about this after noticing a small spider vein appearing on the back of my thigh.  I talked with an aunt who said that spider veins run in the family and she never took anything for hers.

Although there are still many folks in the family who don't take vitamins or eat healthy, I am grateful that some of my relatives are using their heads. At some point when one has visited the doctor enough times, caused unnecessary hardship on their family, and broke their bank account, they will come to the realization that unhealthy living just isn't worth it!  Hopefully, others will take some measures to live a little bit longer before its too late.

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© 2011 Nicholl McGuire


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